Thursday, February 18, 2016

Update #3


“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” 
Philippians 2:5-7 

  • At the time of this blog entry, we have 18 confirmed deposits; a total of 28 souls are stepping forward in faith to the Cambodia Mission trip! (click here to view the list)
  • New lower Mission trip cost (projected) based on the faith of fundraising efforts!
    • Our Bowling Tournament and Raffle has already added $700 for fundraising!
    • Please support our Fundraising Events and encourage friends and family to participate!
    • Individual Donors can directly contribute through the Online Giving site (click here). 
    • If all the fundraising goals are met:
      • $1200 for non-working Missionaries
      • $1500 for working (employed) Missionaries
  • Jane Kim is working on the T-shirt design. While still in early stages, here's a sample of options:
  • Care to comment on which you like better? Enter in the comment section below!
  • FYI:US Passport Renewals are taking about 3-4 weeks to complete.
As you prepare spiritually, mentally, and physically for this journey, 
  take time to pause and wait on the Lord.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Update #2

Update #2

God is good, is He not?
  1. We now have 9 confirmed deposits for the Cambodia trip!
  2. Completed Telephone Conference with ADRA Cambodia on 1/27
    1. Focused on following Christ's example
    2. Assessed needs of ADRA and capability of LLKSDA Members
    3. Outlines of Itinerary reviewed: tailored to needs and resources
    4. Mission elements:
      1. Public health/children education
      2. Medical/dental
      3. Construction: wells, latrines
    5. Housing and transportation
      1. Hotels in Phnom Penh, Kompong, and Siem Reap
      2. Van/microbus
  3. T-shirts are in progress
    1. The T-shirts will be DriFit like material 
    2. Jane Kim is putting her creative energy into the design
    3. We will also try to get "Buffs" available as well (click for example)
  4. Travel Health Questions? (click here for answers)
  5. Our Treasurer has arranged an online giving method to pay for your deposits, final payments, and donations. (Click here to go the site) and click the button, "Make a Donation", you'll be directed to the online giving site for our church.

Have a great week!