Saturday, April 16, 2016

Update #7

Summary of Today's Meeting

Important Items
  1. Completion of e-Visa with Cambodia, takes 1 days to 3 weeks to process
  2. Each member MUST purchase Travel Insurance, $20 per member for the entire trip. Please email, text, or Kakao me when you've paid the $20 (can use Online Giving CLICK HERE)
  3. NO longer needing Missionary members to purchase bottle of vitamins. Thanks to Dr. Bruno Tching's donation we will have a lot of vitamins. We will need help getting them there! Each of you will be given a bottle to bring.
  4. Please bring your friends this Monday to Old Spaghetti Factory in Redlands for our fundraising night!

Advice from Shannon K. (Cambodian "ambassador" from Thai Church)
    1. Adequate Mosquito Protection will impact your physical misery or survival
      1. Cambodian Mosquitos won't just cause itching, you will swell at the site
      2. Clothing barriers, netting, and repellents are the best defense
        1. DEET option (superior) CLICK HERE
        2. Non-DEET option (not as good but not as toxic) CLICK HERE
        3. Synthetic long pants or leggings
          1. Travel Pants (Men): 
            1. REI brand CLICK HERE
            2. Costco (UB Tech Rainier Travel Chino) Out of Stock
          2. Neck/face covering
            1. Amazon Recommendation for Buff-style CLICK HERE
            2. Shemagh/Desert-style CLICK HERE
        4. Long sleeved shirts
        5. Jeans will be uncomforable by the end of the day, due to monsoon season
    2. Customs and Courtesies
      1. Similar honorific approach to elderly as Korean/Asian culture
      2. Short bow and pose CLICK HERE
      3. Any temple visit:
        1. Women must have covered shoulders
        2. All must have legs covered to mid calf
        3. If you aren't properly dressed, you'll have to buy temple garments at the entrance!
      4. List of phrases: (will send audio via Kakao)
        1. Hello: Chiem-Riep Sua
        2. Thank you: Ah Kuun
        3. How much?: Pon man real?
        4. Good bye: Chiem-Reap Lea
        5. I love you: Cume sra-lieng
        6. Jesus loves you: Prea Ye-su sra-lieng
        7. Where is the bathroom? Ba thop thuc no na?
        8. Does it have meat?: Mien sac?
        9. Yes: Cha
        10. No Ot thei
        11. Happy Sabbath: Sua sedai chnai Borosuth
        12. Water please, no ice: Som thuc, ot mein thuc
    3. Food and Drink
      1. NO Ice!!! Diarrhea/Nausea/Vomiting will likely result!
      2. No "fresh salads"
      3. Fruit only if you can peel and eat the inside portions
      4. Street food is at your own risk, even locals get pretty sick
      5. We will have all our meals available through our hotels
      6. Water, water, water. Costs about 20 cents per bottle
    4. Security
      1. Overall safe from violent crime
      2. Petty theft/pickpocketing is rampant
        1. Keep wallets/phones OUT of the back pockets
        2. Keep wallets/phones OUT of back packs
      3. Do not bring anything to Cambodia that you would miss if stolen!
    5. Finances
      1. US dollars are usable, CLICK HERE for explanations
      2. Not many venues to use credit cards (must have Chip)
      3. Currency: $1 US = 7000 Riel 
      4. Approximately 10x buying power compared to US
    6. Communication
      1. Keep your mobile phone data switched OFF, rates for data while roaming here are extremely expensive and run barely above 2G speed
      2. Wi Fi is king! 
      3. Prepaid data/voice/text SIM cards are available at the airport
    7. Needs for those we will serve
      1. Children's clothing
      2. Coloring books, crayons 
      3. Kindness and respect

Have a wonderful week,

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